Friday, March 9, 2018

I'm Still Here

My family is on an epic adventure so I recently added blogging to my boys' lists of homeschooling tasks. Today my son asked if I had a blog. I do. This is it. But it has gone stale so I am going to dust it off and post some updates.

Still doing it... still loving it.

Healthy Eating
It's been a bit of a roller coaster. Mainly I put on a bunch of weight while working towards my MBA, then slowly took that off. I am currently at T + 52. Which, oddly enough, is within 2 pounds of where I left off 6 years ago!

I am a Konvert! At this moment all of our worldly possessions fit into a 10 x 12 storage unit and a 5 x 8 cargo trailer. We've purged and purged and purged some more and I loved every minute of it.

Amazon link

I have a lot more to add but will do it in 3 separate posts that cover each subject.